I In modern business, how to choose CRM has become a familiar phenomenon. It is difficult to imagine an accounting process without the use of specialized software. But at the same time, in the medium and small business relationships with clients are often conducted without the introduction of automation and sufficient attention to accounting.   What happens if the work of the sales department is conducted without an accounting system? Each sales manager works the way he likes best. Somebody saves calls, other types of interaction with customers at his own discretion. Someone keeps information on paper, someone – in Excel tables, and someone does not consider it necessary to fix the process of their work. Therefore people often think about how to choose CRM for easy use.   Moreover, in the case of dismissal or illness of the employee, the company may lose all its unfinished negotiations and untreated contacts. This is extremely undesirable for the effective work of the sales department. The solution is to automate the management of relations with customers, i.e. implementation of CRM-system.   The CRM solution helps:  
  • Get a standardized database of contacts for the company.
  • Effectively monitor the quality of the sales department at any time.
  • Get statistics and analytics of the effectiveness of working with leads (incoming calls, requests).
  • Plan on how to improve the quality of work and develop a business development strategy.
When you choose CRM CRM that helps you to control the customer base, to organize and plan it successfully you will be more successful.    In the medium and small businesses, the most important requirement is not to lose the client. It is not so important whether congratulations will be sent to the contact person on his birthday or on the New Year. The main thing is not to lose the interaction. Therefore, it is very important to choose CRM and control the flow of incoming calls and the receipt of requests from the site, by email, etc.   Who needs CRM systems?   You can choose CRM for any business that works directly with customers and seeks to expand the number of customers. If in business incoming calls or leads from new customers are very important, if the business makes some effort to obtain and retain new customers, then the CRM-system is necessary.   On the other hand, if your business is not interested in increasing the number of customers and the loyalty of regular customers is based on long-term contracts, even the best CRM system will not yield anything.   How to choose a CRM-system?   When choosing a CRM system, the most important thing is to make sure that you have all the functions you would like to see in the process of work. If incoming calls are very important, you need to make sure that the selected CRM-system supports integration with telephony. If you get most of the leads from the site, one of the main criteria will be the possibility of integrating the CRM-system with your CMS.   In the rest, much depends on your tastes, as well as on the specialist’s recommendations. The main thing is the choose CRM-system. Further, if you see a system that you like for some reason, implement it. In all other cases, it is best to rely on the specialist’s opinion.   Contacts and contractors   When you choose CRM-system, you should pay special attention to how the guides are implemented and what their structure is. So, if you work only with individuals, one level is enough for you – this is the contact (the client). It’s quite different if you work with legal entities. In this case, your contact is an organization. But different people can call on behalf of this contact. For example, an accountant, a manager, etc. It is very important that the CRM-system provided the possibility to get a card for each contact person separately.   Cost of the system   Before implementing a software solution, any businessman thinks how much it will cost. When you choose CRM you also determine the price of CRM, you need to understand that the costs you see on the sites in the “product cost” section are only a part of the total costs.   The full cost of the product consists of several parts:
  • Cost of the license (purchase). It can access payment for “cloud solutions” or the cost of 1 copy.
  • Transferring data to the system. You will definitely need to transfer contacts and other data.
  • The cost of revision. Even if you bought a “default solution”, some improvements will still be required. You will need to configure access rights, reports, tasks, etc.
  Cost of license   There are various options for purchasing a license depending on how to choose a CRM system, you have chosen. You can:
  • Buy an unlimited license.
  • Buy a license (subscription) for a certain period (month, year, etc.)
  • Buy a copy of the program for installation on your own server.
  An unlimited license is purchased once and acts on an ongoing basis. It’s convenient, but the amount you need to pay right away is usually big.   Subscription means buying access to the system for a certain period of time. Subscription costs are usually low, but you will have to make regular payments to extend access to the CRM system.
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