Do you still think that everything is good in your company and you don’t need to spend money on the CRM system? So many businessmen argue because the benefits of automation are not always obvious. We bring to your attention 6 CRM system capabilities that will make life easier for you! In this article, you will read about tasks that CRM-systems solve.


Task 1. High level of customer service.

Providing the customer with convenient and useful services plays an important role in “keeping” the client, that is, in preventing his withdrawal from the competitor. Using the system makes it possible:
  • form and provide the customer with information of interest to him about the product or service to congratulate the client on holidays, birthday, etc;
  • invite clients to exhibitions, presentations, forums, parties, seminars, etc;

Task 2. Reporting and analysis of activities.

All the information about the work that managers have done during a certain period is collected in the system automatically. Using the system, you can receive reports on what sales forecasts, what customers are attracted to. Also, you can get statistics on any slices of information, which is recorded in the system of accounting relationships with customers.


Task 3. Increasing conversion to sales

Trust the CRM system your relationship with customers. One customer mentioned that he chose the loft format because of his love for English literature. At the next meeting, the managers put several volumes of British classics in the showroom, and the client’s heart melted. The deal was concluded.


Task 4. Increasing the effectiveness of marketing.

To form a “portrait” of the target client. By segmenting the client base, you can create “portraits” of the most profitable for the company’s clients (client groups), and use both human resources (sales managers) and money (marketing and promotions). Investigate the demand for the goods and services offered. Moreover, the analysis can be carried out on all the segments of the client base and on all the parameters of sales. By tracking the seasonality of sales of any services or products, you can create a corresponding special offer.


Task 5. Increase the effectiveness of sales.

Analysis of the sale of goods and services to different client groups makes it possible to identify the most “promising” customers and concentrate efforts on working with it. It can also help to increase the effectiveness of advertising by segmenting the client base by profitability, occupation, territory, etc. It is known that contacts are often “lost” after the first call of potential customers with questions about tariffs for services and goods. If the manager plans his tasks for each potential client in the system clearly and the system reminds him of the necessary actions, none of the potential transactions will be “lost” because of inattention;


Task 6. Preservation and integrity of the client base.

The database saves all the aspects of the relationship with customers ( the conditions under which the client was attracted, what services he used, what goods he purchased, etc.); If the client manager is retired – all the data about customers remains unchanged. That is why “novice” gets full information about the history of the company’s relationship with these clients. He is able to continue work with clients successfully; Also, the database will help to maintain relations with those who have not become a client of the company or ceased to be, sending out the offer periodically of new services or more favorable price conditions.


Also, you need to find an additional mobile solution. For example, to scan business cards and send them quickly to the CRM system, Business Card Reader for HubSpot is best suited. Spend 1 minute to scan and send all the data about a partner or client directly to your CRM. Save time with this perfect application.



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